0210 Aggregate Functions and Logical Functions

Aggregation Functions

Sample Table for Aggregation Functions

CREATE TABLE aggtable( Number INT, Word VARCHAR(8), intervalMonth INTERVAL MONTH );

INSERT INTO aggtable( Number, Word, intervalMonth )

VALUES  ( 2, 'two', INTERVAL '2' month ), ( 2, 'two', INTERVAL '2' month )
            , ( 3, 'three', INTERVAL '3' month ), ( 4,'four', INTERVAL '6' month )
            , ( NULL, NULL, NULL );

Sys.Functions System Table

We can get a list of aggregate functions from the system table sys.functions. Aggregate functions are of the type 3.  

SELECT DISTINCT name, mod FROM sys.functions WHERE type = 3 ORDER BY name;   

We can divide aggregate functions into three groups:

Arithmetic functionsConcatenation functionsStatistic functions
count, count_no_nil,
max, min,
covar_pop, covar_samp,
median, median_avg,
quantile, quantile_avg,
stdev_pop, stdev_samp,
var_pop, var_samp

Arithmetic Functions

SELECT AVG( Number ) FROM aggTable;2.75(2+2+3+4)/4 = 2.75NULL is ignored.
SELECT COUNT( * ) FROM aggTable;5Count the rows of the table. 
SELECT COUNT( Word ) FROM aggTable;4Count words, without NULL. 
SELECT COUNT_NO_NIL( Word ) FROM aggTable;Error Doesn't work.
SELECT MAX( Word ) FROM aggTable;'two'Last value.Words are ordered alphabetically, A-Z.
SELECT MIN( Number ) FROM aggTable;2First value.Numbers are ordered numerically.
SELECT PROD( Number ) FROM aggTable;482*2*3*4=48 
SELECT SUM( Number ) FROM aggTable;112+2+3+4=11 
SELECT SUM( intervalMonth ) FROM aggTable;132+2+3+6=13Also work with seconds. Result is of interval type.

We can use DISTINCT keyword to exclude duplicates. In our sample table, only number 3 is duplicate. Calculations below will be done like that duplicate value doesn't exist

SELECT AVG( DISTINCT Number ) FROM aggTable;3(2+  3  +4)/3 = 3
SELECT COUNT( DISTINCT Word ) FROM aggTable;3Count word, no NULLs, no duplicates.
SELECT PROD( DISTINCT Number ) FROM aggTable;242*   3  *4 = 24
SELECT SUM( DISTINCT Number ) FROM aggTable;92+   3  +4 = 9
SELECT SUM( DISTINCT  intervalMonth ) FROM aggTable;92+   3  +4 = 9

Concatenation Functions

Concatenation is a way to aggregate text. Instead of having text occupying N rows, where on each row we have only one phrase, we can aggregate them all into one row.
Result will be comma separated list of those phrases, although we can choose what delimiter will be used instead of the comma.

If we want to remove duplicates, we have to use DISTINCT keyword before the name of a column.

It is not possible to control sort order of the phrases in the result.

SELECT LISTAGG( Word, '|' ) FROM aggTable;one|two|three|three|fourDefault delimiter is a comma. Returns VARCHAR.
SELECT SYS.GROUP_CONCAT( Word, ';' ) FROM aggTable;one;two;three;three;fourDefault delimiter is a comma. Returns CLOB.
SELECT JSON.ToJsonArray( Word ) FROM aggTable;[ "one", "two", "three", "three", "four" ]Result is JSON list.
SELECT JSON.ToJsonArray( Number ) FROM aggTable;[ "1", "2", "3", "3", "4" ]Works with numbers, too.

Statistical Functions

Numbers, from Number column, can be divided into smaller and larger numbers. Half of the numbers will be smaller and the other half will be larger numbers. The number on the border between the smaller and larger numbers is the median.

SQLResultResult if we add number 5 to our column.
SELECT SYS.MEDIAN( Number ) FROM aggTable;21,2(2),33,44         =>      221,22,3(3),44,55         =>     3
SELECT SYS.MEDIAN_AVG( Number ) FROM aggTable;21,2(2),3(3),44         =>       (2+3)/2 = 2.521,22,3(3),44,55         =>     3

Median is a special case of a quantile. Median is a 50% quantile. But we can differently divide our numbers. We can divide them 60% vs 40%, so that 60% numbers are on the smaller side, and 40% is on the bigger side. Number between them would be called 60% quantile. In our example below, "60 % quantile" is 2.8, which means that 60% of numbers is below 2.8. This would be more obvious if we had more numbers in our column.

SELECT SYS.QUANTILE_AVG( Number, 0.6 ) FROM aggTable;2.8( 4 – 1 ) * 0.6 + 1, where 4 is the count of our numbers.
SELECT SYS.QUANTILE( Number, 0.6 ) FROM aggTable;3This is just value from above, rounded to integer.

Variance and standard deviation are calculated differently depending whether our data represent a population or a sample.

SELECT SYS.VAR_SAMP( Number ) FROM aggTable;0.917
SELECT SYS.StdDev_SAMP( Number ) FROM aggTable;0.957sqrt( variance ) = sqrt( 0.917 ) = 0.957
SELECT SYS.VAR_POP( Number ) FROM aggTable;0.687
SELECT SYS.StdDev_POP( Number ) FROM aggTable;0.829sqrt( variance ) = sqrt( 0.687 ) = 0.829

Covariance in statistics measures the extent to which two variables vary linearly.  Correlation is just covariance measured in normalized units. Unfortunately, there is a bug in MonetDB, version 11.49.09, and all of these functions will return wrong results.

SQLResult in MonetDBCalculation 
SELECT SYS.COVAR_SAMP( Number, 10 – Number * 1.2 ) FROM aggTable;-1.417 ( not correct, it is -1.1 )
SELECT SYS.COVAR_POP( Number, 10 – Number * 1.2 ) FROM aggTable;-1.0625 ( not correct, it is -0.825 )
SELECT SYS.CORR( Number, 10 – Number * 1.2 ) FROM aggTable;-0.986 ( not correct, it is -1 )

All statistic function will ignore NULLs.

Logical Operators

Binary Operators

SELECT True AND True;TRUEReturns TRUE only if both arguments are TRUE.
SELECT True OR False;TRUEReturns TRUE if at least one argument is TRUE.

Unary Operators

SELECT NOT True;FALSEWill transform TRUE to FALSE, and FALSE to TRUE. Always the opposite.
SELECT Null IS NULL;TRUEChecks whether something is NULL.
SELECT Null IS NOT NULL;FALSEChecks whether something is NOT NULL.

All other logical operators will return Null if at least one of its arguments is Null.


Most SQL functions will either return NULL if one of the arguments is NULL, or will ignore rows with NULL values.

Logical Functions

Operators AND, OR and NOT have alternative syntax where they work like functions.  XOR can not work like operator, only like a function.

SELECT "xor"(True, False);TRUEReturns TRUE only when the first argument is the opposite of the second argument (Arg1 = NOT Arg2).
SELECT "and"(True, False);FALSEReturns TRUE only if both arguments are TRUE.
SELECT "or"(False, False);FALSEReturns TRUE if at least one argument is TRUE.
SELECT "not"(False);TRUEWill transform TRUE to FALSE, and FALSE to TRUE. Always the opposite.

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